“Change the mindset of generations who were used to
a dirty inefficient foundry”.
FORECO: forward thinking Eco Complimentary Commitment to the world we live in.
This is a world we live in together and share the precious resources now and in the future.
It is our commitment to do no harm and possibly hand it over to the next generation better than we found it when we took over custody of this unique piece of the Milky Way.
Inspired by the recent commitments from the European Union to reduce green house gasses 40% by 2030 and reduction in emissions from automotive products. Idra will commit its resources through a collaboration in the FSA (Foundry Star Alliance) to help the Aluminium die casting industry strive toward these goals.
Use the collective resources of the FSA to develop new solutions for energy efficient production.
Reduce contamination of foundry environment and recover energy following the philosophy of KMA.
Reduce energy consumption of the die cast machine through efficient use of electricity.
Use only responsible suppliers for raw materials.
Sponsor R&D activities in the use of secondary alloys and actively reduce use of primary Aluminium.
Work together with our partners to reduce the quantity of release agents required for production.
Achieve a cleaner and more energy efficient Production of Automotive products that reduce emissions.
Minimise the impact of Idra Production on global warming and Pollution.
Produce non polluting equipment that maximises efficient use of resources like electricity and gas without polluting the environment.
Help the automotive community to achieve reduced emission targets and improve safety for our children.
Leave the planet to our children and grandchildren in a better condition than we found it.
We are preparing a balance of sustainability and we will publish here the results shortly.